2011 Archive

January 2011

A Few Personal Questions Pondered - January 9th
Religiousness - January 15th
Choices Not Your Own - January 19th
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Volume 5) - January 22nd
Vital Reading - January 24th
The Impotence of Religious Power - January 25th
Odds and... Odds (Volume 2) - January 27th

February 2011

The Blessing - February 4th
Grift Your Hearts - February 6th
Important Public Service Announcement - February 12th
A Case Thrown Out Of Courtship - February 12th
Great Satans - February 16th
Imbibling - February 19th
Daughters Shaving Daddies - I Wish I Were Making This Up - February 22nd

March 2011

Jesus and... - March 1st
The Fine Line Between Fruit and Rules - March 5th
Too Big For Their Own Britches - March 7th
"Christian" Homeschooling Merits an "F" - March 15th
Hell's Bells - March 17th
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Volume 6) - March 19th
Serious Business - What Patriarchy Can Do - March 20th
Canon Fodder - March 25th
Canonball!!! - March 30th

April 2011

Spit Against The Wind, Oh Won't You, Mark Driscoll? - April 1st
Rethinking Fundamental Literalism - April 2nd
The Worship of Tradition - April 3rd
From Crisis to Crises - April 4th
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Volume 7) - April 11th
Contractual Bondage - April 26th
Comment Issues - April 28th
The Heart of Christ - Helping Those In Need - April 28th
The Only Advice I Know To Give - April 30th

May 2011

Osama - May 2nd
Spitting Out Bones - May 5th
Forgiveness Isn't Always Forgetness - May 7th
Missing Comments - May 14th
The New Reader's Guide to Commandments of Men - May 19th
Duped - May 20th
To Heal - May 23rd
The Joplin Tornado - May 24th
Examination - May 27th

June 2011

Religious Addiction - June 8th
Imbibled Marriage - June 9th
One Year - June 11th
For Young Couples in Patriarchal Wastelands - June 14th
Christianese - If Only Life Had A "Mute" Button - June 17th
Language of an Addict - June 21st 
The Bible and Religious Addiction - June 23rd
More Canon Fodder, So Bunker Down - June 25th
Sweet Like Poison - June 28th

July 2011

Courtship - The Crushing Weight/Wait of Emotional Ignorance - July 1st
For My Critics - July 3rd
The Great Race - July 8th
The Broken Promises of the Purity Ring - July 12th
The Wonderlic for Fools - July 14th
Multitudes of Bad Counselors - July 17th
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (Volume 8) - July 19th
The Modesty Misdirection - July 22nd
New Site Covering ATI/IBLP/Gothard Issues - July 24th
The Significance of the Torn Veil - July 25th
The Product of Fundamentalism - July 27th

August 2011

But We Don't Follow Formulas Or Anything - August 4th
The Curse of Eve - August 6th
New Blog - Rethinking Vision Forum - August 11th
Revising America - Bachmann Style - August 20th
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Volume 9) - August 22nd
Convicted by a Lifestyle - August 24th
New Blog - Daughters of Junia - August 27th
Warning Signs - Repost - August 29th
"You need to just let it go and move on with your life." - August 30th

September 2011

Dear God, Please Save Christianity from Christians - September 10th
Cult Got Your Tongue? - September 12th
Healing from the Wounds of P/QF and Spiritual Abuse - September 14th
Small Steps in the Right Direction, but Still Behind a Veil - September 18th
The Kool-aid - September 23rd
The Herald/Scotland - Great Article on P/QF - September 25th
Quiverfulls of...ummm...Crap - September 29th

October 2011

Ramblin' Man - October 2nd
Pearl Drops - October 21st
Courageously Determined to Avoid "Courageous" - October 24th
Odds and... Odds (Volume 3) - October 26th

November 2011

Hey! American Christians! Listen Up! - November 1st
Death to Courtship - November 4th
The Threshold of a Christian Homeschooling Cult - November 6th
The Dangerous Mix of Religion and Education - More on the Christian Homeschooling Movement - November 9th
Faith? Or Fear?: The "Last Days" Syndrome - November 11th
"Godliness" Isn't Next To Godliness - November 17th
The Irrational Worship of Tim Tebow - November 18th
Quiver Me Timbers - November 22nd

December 2011

Home Childbirth - A Few of My Thoughts - December 5th
There's Crazy, and Then There's FIC Crazy - December 8th
Rick Perry's Hail Mary - December 8th
Faith? Or Fear?: Tebow-Mania and the "War on Religion" - December 14th
Ideas Held Hostage - December 16th
Conditioning - December 19th
Here's a Solution - December 20th
The Tebow Wars - December 23rd
The Purity Movement - Life in a Jar - December 29th
The Peace Game - December 31st