Monday, November 29, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Volume 4)

The Good

My friend Taunya recently invited her daughter, Alexis, to write a guest post on her blog. It's well worth your time to read it.

My friend Hannah with a solid look at redefinition.

My friend Rachel with a piece about the fundamentalist confusion of biblical account and biblical command. case you haven't become acquainted with this godly endeavor, allow me to introduce you.

The Bad

My friend Erika recently sent me this link. Yep. It made me feel like I needed a shower, too.

I don't even know what to say about this. When you're promoting the "wisdom" of cult member and Patriarchal Grand Poopy Geoffrey Botkin, I don't think words are necessary to convey the message to rational people.

And from the same source, there's this. Anyone still not believe me when I say I consider these some of the most dangerous people on the planet? Anyone? Bueller? If they could build an electric chair large enough, I think these people would light up Shamu's pagan, ungodly lineage. I'm only half-joking.

The Ugly

I came across this over at Christian Nightmares a while back...

I don't want to poke fun at true worship. All I can say is wrong thing, wrong time, wrong place, and wrong song. Kinda like booking KISS to headline a bluegrass festival.

(If you'd like to submit a piece for The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, you can do so at lewcom AT put GBU in the subject line)


  1. The quivers of men blog is a joke, right? :p

  2. Okay, I am actually reading the rest of QOM now...can't stop laughing... :)

  3. Quivers of Men is fantastic! But we have a total Poe's Law* situation here! After reading QOM, I was sure the blog in the second section was also parody. But it barely makes any sense either way. Learn to English, dude!

    *"Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won't mistake for the real thing."

  4. Honestly, I'm seeing a theme in patrio blogs. I know you've said this before, Lewis, but I guess it didn't hit me til I looked at that Seppi family blog. These people worship marriage. It's like a huge idol that they've place in a prominent place in their homes and lives. Everything they do or say is through the lens of "godly marriage". They place more emphasis on marriage than they do anything else! What a limiting view of life with Jesus!

    I know their stated reason for this: that the church is sorely lacking in solid teachings on marriage and thus we have some sort of crises and lack of godly families. But I honestly don't think this is the problem. My husband and I have never gone to marriage classes. We never even did pre-marital counselling. I read marriage books occasionally but he never has. What makes our marriage great is not an emphasis on "godly marriage" in our home. *It is an emphasis on our individual walks with the Lord.* When we ignore our personal relationships with God, our marriage suffers. When we are nurturing our personal relationships with God, our marriage thrives. A godly marriage is the result of people who walk with God. Not people who "do" marriage perfectly biblically. Or make marriage their god.

    I'm NOT saying that marriages never need counselling or help, not at all! Just that the emphasis these people give it somehow. :/

  5. On the "Biblical Patriarchy" website (the bad, link #1) those women are all SO barbie-shaped. I mean COME ON! Are they going to do selective breeding next?

  6. "15 The couple maintains objectivity and emotional purity and stewards time and investment of all parties. Ask questions. Your daughter needs to ask these questions. She will give form to his life. What do you think abut birthdays? Sports? Vaccinations? TV in the home? Food? Diet?"

    From the Botkin Link:
    Yeah, what do you think about birthdays? should we throw them out like all the other Pagan Traditions?
    My Dad used to thump his bible and point out that the only people in the Bible who celebrated birthdays were Herod and Pharaoh. All evil kings.

  7. From Patriarchal Grand Poopy Botkin's "mentoring" session...

    "We want to be like reformers by teaching other men how to think."

    Thank you, Mr. Botkin, for substantiating everything I've been saying here about the Thought Reform model and your movement being a cult.

  8. Eeeeeeww... the "Christian Patriarchy" blog made me feel like I need some kind of psychological scrubbie-thingy to clean my brain with. I suspect my IQ went down about 3 points just by opening up his link.

    Is that guy for realz?? Someone please tell me it's just a horrible, awful joke. Please.

  9. QOM 4.8: "Have you ever accidentally consumed alcohol? If so, please explain the situation, and what you did to avoid further occurrences."

    Is this satire within satire? I thought Patrios required the home-brewing of one's own beer, using organically home-grown ingredients, of course!

  10. Ohhhh the Seppi blog. The first of their updates I read was the two from Thursday, October 21st and I didn't have the stomach to go back again.

    The courtship thing was absolutely confusing and ridiculous. I admit I wanted to think it was a parody. "THIS IS NOT A FORMULA!" "steps 1 through 8203828348..."

    On the upside, I love eaandfaith and QOM. :) Brightens my day every time. :)

  11. I knew it would have to be something very, very, extra "special" in the Ugly section for Prince Sumba to only be considered Bad. ... It didn't disappoint. That was the most, um, inspiring moment of worship since "You Spin Me Right Round Jesus."

  12. Somebody's Mom - She's got the moves! (ha)

  13. Aw, I think Grandma rocks it! She should've had the good sense to ban video recordings, however. LOL

    When I am that old, people are just going to have to get over their desire to only see young people do interpretive dance. They will however, have to show up to Jazzercise or catch me at the club on the cruise ship to check out my moves! ;-)

    The homeys at my church don't play dat kinda music at the Sunday gathering. =)

  14. Wow... "Someone's Mom" is so my mom... Not literally, that is. But if my mom weren't so self conscious, that would totally be her up there dancing. :-D

  15. I actually thought "The Ugly" was kinda cute. I sorta hope to have that kind of nerve as a senior.Sometimes performing (or blogging) is the only way to be who you want to be.

  16. Now this is ugly

  17. Oh, no offense to anyone's mom was intended by any means. Of such is the kingdom. It's just that, as somebody who spends a good deal of my time trying to promote good art in church.... I'll ellipse there.

  18. Anonymous 3:56pm -
    Thank you!!! I read that link a while back and then tried to find it again but couldn't.

  19. Quivers of Men is so funny it's therapeutic! Thanks bunches for cluing us in. :)


    PS: Who writes that, do you think?

  20. Okay, what really scares ME about Someone's Mom is--she is NOT wearing a skirt. That's true blasphemy.

  21. I can't decide what's funnier - Quivers of Men or the comments after this post. Thanks for the laughs. And filtering through countless blogs to find us good, bad, and ugly. And being brave enough to label them that! :)

  22. Just did some googling and noticed that your blog is the #1 search result for the term "Steadfast Daughters." High five.

  23. *high five*

    And to those of you who've emailed in the past week or so, I'm waaaay behind in responding, and for that I apologize. Hope to do some catching up today. Please keep writing - it's just been one of those weeks where "life" happens.

  24. Thanks for mentioning my daughter Alexis' post Lewis. I think writing that post was good for her and our entire family. It really makes us thankful that we were only influenced by this thinking for a very short time. I can not imagine the damage done to families who live by this teaching for years.

  25. She wrote a great piece, Taunya. I know you guys must be proud of her. Heck, I'm proud of her too;)
